Why You Should Embrace SharePoint Search’s Managed Properties


In the realm of information management and collaboration, SharePoint has been a game-changer. Its robust features cater to diverse organizational needs, and one such feature that stands out is the SharePoint search capability. To harness the full potential of SharePoint search, it’s crucial to understand and leverage managed properties. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of SharePoint search managed properties, exploring what they are, why they matter, and how they can elevate your search experience.

Understanding Managed Properties

In SharePoint, managed properties are a vital component of the search architecture. They serve as metadata fields that allow you to fine-tune and customize how content is indexed and searched. Unlike crawled properties, which are automatically generated by the search system based on content structure, managed properties are manually defined and configured by administrators.

Why Managed Properties Matter

  1. Precise Search Results: Managed properties enable you to control how content is indexed and displayed in search results. By mapping crawled properties to managed properties, you can ensure that specific content attributes, such as author names or document types, are accurately indexed and easily searchable.
  2. Enhanced User Experience: When users search within SharePoint, they expect to find relevant results quickly. Managed properties allow you to optimize the search experience by promoting important content, filtering results, and presenting information in a more organized manner.
  3. Metadata-driven Search: SharePoint’s metadata capabilities are a treasure trove of valuable information. Managed properties enable you to leverage this metadata to categorize, filter, and sort search results based on attributes like content type, project status, or department.

Leveraging Managed Properties

  1. Mapping Crawled Properties: Before you can use a crawled property in search queries, you need to map it to a managed property. This association informs the search system about how to treat and display the content attribute.
  2. Custom Managed Properties: While SharePoint provides several default managed properties, creating custom ones can significantly enhance your search experience. For example, you can create a managed property for a specific project code that allows users to quickly find documents related to that project.
  3. Display Templates: Managed properties also play a role in search display templates. You can control how search results are presented to users by customizing display templates based on managed property values.

Best Practices

  1. Plan Carefully: Before creating managed properties, conduct a thorough analysis of your organization’s information architecture and search requirements. Identify which attributes are crucial for search refinement and result relevance.
  2. Consistency in Naming: Maintain a consistent naming convention for managed properties to ensure clarity and avoid confusion among administrators and users.
  3. Regular Maintenance: As your content evolves, periodically review and update your managed properties. New attributes might emerge that warrant their own managed properties.


SharePoint search managed properties unlock the potential to transform your search experience from a generic query-response mechanism into a targeted, efficient content discovery tool. By mastering the art of mapping crawled properties, creating custom managed properties, and optimizing search results through display templates, you can empower your users to find the right content at the right time. Remember, managed properties are not just metadata; they’re the keys to unlocking the full potential of SharePoint’s search capabilities.

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SharePoint, SharePoint Search