What Is SharePoint JSON Formatting vs SharePoint Framework (SPFx)?


SharePoint is a powerful platform that allows you to create and customize various types of sites, lists, and libraries. However, sometimes you may want to change the look and feel of your SharePoint elements without writing complex code or deploying custom solutions. This is where SharePoint JSON formatting comes in handy. JSON formatting is a simple and declarative way of applying custom styles and actions to your SharePoint columns, views, and forms using JSON syntax. In this blog article, I will explain the basics of how JSON formatting works, compare it with SharePoint Framework (SPFx), a more advanced and flexible way of developing custom solutions for SharePoint, and show you why JSON formatting is a better option for most scenarios, especially for beginners who may not be ready for the SharePoint Framework. 

Quick Actions formatting added to a list
Adding Quick Actions to a list or library can greatly improve productivity

What is SharePoint JSON Formatting?

SharePoint JSON formatting is a feature that lets you customize the appearance and behavior of your SharePoint list and library columns, views, and forms using JSON code. JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation, and it is a lightweight and human-readable data format that is widely used in web development. JSON formatting allows you to define various properties and attributes for your SharePoint elements, such as color, font, icons, buttons, conditional logic, and more. You can apply JSON formatting directly in the SharePoint user interface, without requiring any external tools or resources. JSON formatting is supported in modern SharePoint sites and lists, and it works across different devices and browsers. 

To use JSON formatting, you need to follow a few simple steps: 

  1. Select the SharePoint element that you want to customize, such as a column, a view, or a form. 
  2. Go to the settings or properties of that element, and look for the option to format it using JSON. 
  3. Enter or paste your JSON code in the text box, and preview the result. Save and apply your JSON formatting to your SharePoint element. 

You can write your own JSON code from scratch, or you can use the online documentation and samples to get started quickly and easily. You can find the documentation and samples here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sharepoint/dev/declarative-customization/column-formatting

What is SharePoint Framework (SPFx)? 

SharePoint Framework (SPFx) is a development model that enables you to build custom web parts, extensions, and applications for SharePoint using modern web technologies, such as React, TypeScript, and Node.js. SPFx gives you full control and flexibility over the functionality and user experience of your SharePoint solutions, and it supports both classic and modern SharePoint sites. However, SPFx also requires a higher level of technical skills and knowledge, as well as a development environment and tools, such as Visual Studio Code, npm, gulp, and yeoman. SPFx solutions also need to be packaged and deployed to SharePoint, which may involve additional steps and permissions. 

Why JSON Formatting is Better Than SPFx for Most Scenarios 

While SPFx is a powerful and versatile way of creating custom SharePoint solutions, it is not always the best option for every scenario. JSON formatting offers several benefits over SPFx, such as: 

  • It is easier and faster to use. You can apply JSON formatting directly in the SharePoint user interface, without needing any development tools or environment. You can also use the online documentation and samples to get started quickly and easily. 
  • It is less prone to errors and bugs. JSON formatting is a declarative and simple way of defining your SharePoint customizations, which reduces the chances of making mistakes or introducing errors in your code. JSON formatting also does not affect the performance or stability of your SharePoint site, as it only changes the presentation layer of your SharePoint elements. 
  • It is more accessible and maintainable. JSON formatting is stored as part of your SharePoint list or library settings, which means that anyone who has access to your SharePoint site can view and edit your JSON code. You can also easily export and import your JSON formatting to other SharePoint sites or lists, or share it with other users. 
  • It is more suitable for beginners. JSON formatting does not require any advanced programming skills or knowledge, as it is based on a simple and intuitive syntax. JSON formatting also does not require any installation or configuration of development tools or environment, which can be daunting for beginners. JSON formatting is a great way to learn the basics of SharePoint customization and web development, without getting overwhelmed by the complexity of SPFx. 

Of course, JSON formatting is not a replacement for SPFx, and there may be some scenarios where SPFx is a better choice, such as when you need to create complex or interactive web parts, extensions, or applications that require custom logic, data sources, or external dependencies. However, for most common and simple SharePoint customizations, JSON formatting is a more efficient and user-friendly option that can help you achieve your goals faster and easier. 

How To Get Started

SharePoint JSON formatting is a great feature that allows you to customize your SharePoint columns, views, and forms using JSON code. JSON formatting is easier and faster to use than SPFx, and it is less prone to errors and bugs. JSON formatting is also more accessible and maintainable, as it is stored as part of your SharePoint list or library settings. JSON formatting is also more suitable for beginners, as it does not require any advanced programming skills or knowledge, or any installation or configuration of development tools or environment. JSON formatting can help you create beautiful and functional SharePoint solutions with less technical knowledge required. 

If you want to learn more about SharePoint JSON formatting, and how to use it to create amazing SharePoint solutions, you should enroll in my JSON formatting course. In this course, you will learn the fundamentals of JSON syntax, how to use JSON formatting to customize your SharePoint columns, views, and forms, and how to use some of the most popular and useful JSON formatting samples. You will also get access to a community of other SharePoint enthusiasts who are eager to share their knowledge and experience with you. By the end of this course, you will be able to create your own JSON formatting solutions with confidence and ease. 

Don’t miss this opportunity to take your SharePoint skills to the next level. Enroll in my JSON formatting course today, and start creating amazing SharePoint solutions with JSON formatting. 

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