New Feature: News Posts For Email

SharePoint news delivered right into your inbox. That’s the cool new feature that’s been rolled out. Previously, if a news article gets posted to SharePoint, you’d either have to wait for users to find the article on your Intranet, or you’d email a link. A third option would be that you’d craft an email just to highlight recent news.

This new feature lets you create a news article, post it, and send it to users directly. Instead of purely web content, these articles now show up inside the inboxes of your users. Being able to meet users where they work the most is important to increase the consumption of your Intranet news. Not all users live on your Intranet. Some prefer email. Some prefer Teams. Viva Connections has already been fantastic at delivering information to Microsoft Teams, but those who primarily use Outlook didn’t get the same benefit. Now, that gap has been filled. Here’s how you can get started.

Getting Started

On your Intranet, select the New button, and choose News Post

You’ll now see all the News templates. Notice the group at the top that indicates the templates made for email. Choose one of these templates (or create your own) to create your news page.

Craft your page as usual, and when finished, at the top-right corner, you’ll see the option to post the news and send an email

Now you’re presented with a great interface to send this news page to your users!


Even though this gets delivered to mailboxes, views via email will still count towards the page views. This means you aren’t having to track this some other way. This is a cool new feature that I hope you’ll check out!

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