New Feature Coming Soon to Microsoft Search!

Microsoft Search is a powerful tool that helps you find the information you need across your organization. Whether you are looking for files, emails, people, sites, or other content, Microsoft Search can help you access it quickly and easily. But sometimes, you may want to narrow down your search results to a specific source of content, such as Viva Learning, Azure DevOps, ServiceNow, or another third-party connector. That’s why Microsoft Search is introducing a new feature that lets you filter results by content source in the All vertical. 

What is the All vertical in Microsoft Search? 

The All vertical in Microsoft Search is the default view that shows you the most relevant results from all the content sources available in your organization. You can access the All vertical from, SharePoint Home, or Bing @ Work. The All vertical gives you a comprehensive overview of the information related to your query, and allows you to refine your search using filters such as file type, date, author, and more. 

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How to filter results by content source in the All vertical? 

No specific instructions have been released yet, but here’s how I imagine it working: 

  • Enter your query in the Microsoft Search box. 
  • On the results page, click on the All tab to see the results from all the content sources. 
  • On the left side of the page, you will see a list of content sources under the Source filter. These are the sources that are configured in your organization’s Microsoft Search settings, and may include Power BI, Viva Learning, and third-party connectors indexed via Microsoft Graph Connectors. 
  • Select the content source that you want to filter by. You can select multiple sources if you want to see results from more than one source. 
  • The results page will update to show you only the results from the selected content sources. You can also use the other filters to further refine your search. 

Why use the content source filter in the All vertical? 

The content source filter in the All vertical is a useful feature that can help you find the information you need faster and more efficiently. Here are some benefits of using the content source filter: 

  • You can focus on the results from the content source that is most relevant to your query or task. 
  • You can compare and contrast the results from different content sources without switching tabs or windows. 
  • You can discover new and valuable information from content sources that you may not have explored before. 
  • You can leverage the power of Microsoft Search across your organization’s diverse and rich content sources. 

 More Information 

You can find the roadmap item describing this feature here. 

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Microsoft Search, News